Get cycling

Free training for staff and students

Six Hours of Cycling Training

This covers basic bike handling skills for total beginners through advanced cycling skills in challenging traffic situations. Broken Spoke’s training is accredited to the national cycle proficiency standard Bikeability.

As a student or member of staff, you can book up to six hours of free training.

Cycling for children

Oxfordshire County Council offer training to children aged 9 and over to help them learn the skills they need to cycle safely in traffic.

Voi online training and in-person

Voi offers its scooter customers the opportunity to attend their online Traffic School to learn how to Voi safely or join an in-person training session detail of their next available dates are listed on Eventbrite

Cycle maps

To help you get around the city, take a look at the Cyclox map showing all the on-road and traffic-free cycle routes in Oxford. This is available online, or contact us for a printed copy. Cyclox is a cycling membership organisation that the University supports.

Park and Ride quiet cycle routes

Oxfordshire County Council has renewed wayfinding on four quiet cycle routes in Oxford, which follow quiet back roads and off-road cycle paths between some Park & Rides. View maps of the routes below:

Bicycle User Group 

The University’s Bicycle Users Group (BUG) sends out helpful information for University cyclists. Subscribe here if you would like to join – leave the subject and content of your email blank.

Oxford University Cycling Club

The University’s Cycling club supports University cyclists by arranging regular meetups and socials within Oxford; the club organises exciting trips - including road tours abroad at Easter and in the summer, track visits, weekend trips within the UK, and several MTB trips throughout the year - all of which always promise fun and adventure!

Need help?

For more help and advice on cycling, contact the travel team. You can also visit the cycling and walking charity Sustrans for lots of tips and ideas.

Cycle Training

Improve your cycling skills


Contact us

Sustainable Travel team

+44 (0) 1865 2 88782